
Aerial inspection by helicopter

Aerial inspection by helicopter

Observation and air patrol

Helipistas perform services aerial inspection of all types of infrastructure and land for public and private sector companies.

To achieve this, we not only have helicopters specially prepared for aerial observation, but we also have cutting-edge material and software to satisfy the most demanding clients.

aerial inspection

Helipistas SL offers communications infrastructure monitoring and services nationwide that include aerial inspections of linear infrastructures. We also carry out controls on public transport routes and all types of visual controls for carrying out works or for certification of environmental conservation status.

aerial surveillance

Helipistas SL has worked for more than 7 years in traffic control from the air and has monitored sporting events of all kinds.
Helipistas SL seeks professional excellence in the world of observation and air patrol. For this reason, it never stops innovating and improving for its clients, achieving maximum quality and immediacy in all services.
Aerial observation, aerial inspection and infrastructure control enter a new dimension thanks to the professionalism and experience of our team.

aerial inspection aerial inspection aerial inspection
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